Welcome to the online home of the Las Vegas High Rollers and Strollers volksmarching club.  We are an AVA-affiliated, Las Vegas-based club that focuses on recreational walking.


  • Our next meeting is scheduled for:  Wednesday, August 28th, at 7pm.  Our meetings are held online via Zoom, if you would like to receive an invitation to join our meeting please email the club at lvhrs1985@yahoo.com
  • Please join us for our next group event:  Our next scheduled group "Hot Wheels" bicycle ride will be on Saturday, August 3rd, at 7am on the Union Pacific Railroad Trail.  Please pre-register for this event by emailing the club at lvhrs1985@yahoo.com prior to August 3rd; you will be provided the meeting startpoint location and any weather updates via email once you pre-register for the event.
  • The BIG GIVE is September 18 & 19.  Please join us in supporting the AVA by donating here.
  • July 2024 AVA Checkpoint